Week 4, September 2007.

Last week, we finished up on our course materials, that is Chapter 6 - Change Management in Reengineering. This means that our next class times will be filled with our final presentation series. We are to present our final findings, and also present the existing and reengineered business process we have chosen.

As for the presentation, groups who will be presenting will be randomly picked, and an extra class will be held on Tuesday, from 10 am to 12 pm in order to finish up all presentations in time before the final exam.

Week 3, September 2007.

This week, we had our class as usual and discussed the article distributed by Puan Rosnafisah the week before. The article was discussed, with a few basic guidelines on how to discuss it.

The guidelines were provided by Puan Rosnafisah in the form of 4 questions. The article was discussed in groups and took the whole two hours to do.

On Thursday, we continued on with the previous day's discussion and was told to submit the results of the discussion by Fiday (the day after).

Week 2 September 2007

Weekly Report

This week's class, we're having the continuation of the progress presentation for other groups which haven't present the week before. After the presentation, Pn Rosnafisah once again remind us to submit the template of the selected business process on Friday, September 14 before 9.30 am. All the groups were also been given a case study from Pn Ros and it will be discuss on our next week's class.

Weekly Group Discussion.
Venue: COIT, Uniten.
Date : 12th September 2007.
Time : 6pm.
Noor Idayu bt Mat Lazi (TT076722)
Helwa Nudrah bt A Rahim (TT076680)
Mardhiah bt Nasir (TT076689)
Sharifah Shafiah bt Syed Shah Minan (TT076759).

Farena Nur bt Jamaludin (TT076671)
Reason - have an emergency

After class, we had a meeting to discussed about the template to be submitted. Idayu, our group leader have divided the task and assigned it to the group members. Below is the tasks and the members assigned to it:-
1) Task: Shop description and why choose marketing business process to reengineer
Assigned to: Idayu and Shafiah
2) Task: identified the business process and build the template
Assigned to: Helwa
3) Task: Pie chart population
Assigned to: Mardhiah

Farena did not came to the meeting therefore she has been assigned to do this week's report. On Thursday, we meet up again to compile the tasks together and format it nicely to submit to Pn Rosnafisah on Friday.

Week 1 September 2007

Weekly Report.

This week we finalised our assumptions surfacing and it is to be submitted next week.
This week's class covered Chapter 4, and we continued on with the second series of our progress presentation. The things that were commented on were adjusted and fixed.
This is the process flow of Orange Bookshop:

Our assumptions surfacing template:

We have also finally uploaded our case study pictures; we apologize for the delay as there were some tchnical problem.

Midterm Break

From the 25th August to the 2nd of September is midterm break. Therefor there were no activities. However, we wish to wish everyone Selamat hari Merdeka and see you soon!

Week 4, August 2007

This week we did an activity in class. the activity was to identify potential IT for new process. Some of the group's answers were presented in class and those presented gets a bonus 1% for their grade.

Week 3, August 2007

Division of tasks this week:
Interview Session: Noor Idayu, Mardhiah and Sharifah Shafiah.
Filtering Information: The whole group.
Updating Blog: Helwa Nudrah.

Interview session:
All were present and punctual.
Date: Tuesday, 14th of August 2007. Place: Orange Bookshop, Section 3, Bangi.

As discussed last week, we proceeded to the interview with En. Ayob on Tuesday, the day we made an appointment. We conducted the interview in an informal way, as it was the preference of En. Ayob. We made some recordings of the interview and were able to snap a few pictures to update in the blog. The pictures will be updated later on. The interview was conducted in a comfortable atmosphere and we thank En. Ayob for going out of his way not be too intimidating. Questions were categorized according to types of business processes. Some of the questions are:

Could you describe your business background.
-who are the founders?
-educational background?
-the capital used for this business?
-why did you choose this location to start your business?
-what made you thought if opening this type of business?
-is this business profitable from your point of view?

Please describe your business processes.
-Marketing Plans?
-Supply Management?
-management to customer?

Please elaborate on your marketing plans?
-are your marketing plans working?
-what makes the shop different from others?
-what are the difficulties that you faced so far?
-what type of approaches do you use to connect to the customers?

Please describe how you obtain stock from your supplier.
-How do you decide which supplier to choose from?
-How do you contact your supplier?
-How do you know what to order from them? i.e. :survey, interviews, etc.
-What types of problems do you face in this area?

What do you think about your competition?
-who are they?
-what do they have at an advantage?
-are there business strategies that you wish to adopt from your competitors?
-what are they?

Please describe about your stock management process.
-Who is in charge?
-what method do you use? i.e. : manual labour, of computerized system?
-how often do you update your stock?
-do you have any problems in this area?
-any plans to improve the situation? i.e.: implement new system.

General questions:
-Do you have any preference on what business processes we should concentrate on
-if yes, why that process?
- if we come up with an alternate way of conducting the business process, would you consider
using it for your business?

All of the questions were answered in full with clear explanations. We consider the interview was a complete success. However, if there are any doubts, En. Ayob said we could either make a call or even send an e-mail to him, and he would be happy to answer. We thank En. Ayob for being so accommodating and courteous.

Group Discussion:
Attendance: All were present except for Mardhiah, who was absent on account that she was
Later that week, we got together and discussed the outcome of the interview and filtered information gathered. We also discussed what to update on the blogs and also furthers the discussions concerning each members’ role now that the interview is completed.
In class, we applied the outcome of the interview of the business that we have chosen to the where, when, how and why template. The discussion took up the 2 hours of class. Mardhiah and Noor Idayu were absent because both were sick with the flu.